The end of 2016 is coming up quickly, and usually everyone gets out their pen and paper to jot down their list of resolutions for the New Year. Usually the list consists of weight loss, better organizing, volunteer more, etc. But notice this New Year’s Resolution list isn’t made any sooner; it’s made a few days, a week, maybe even a month in advance. That’s because the pressure is on, and time is running out.
What if you decided to treat your Family Estate Planning the opposite way? You may be scratching your head wondering, “Why would I do that now? I’m not even ready for something like that!” Because there’s no pressure, that’s why. You can carefully and effectively make plans for your family, and most likely have more time to take on the amount of work that’s required to put it all together. Wouldn’t you rather do that instead of cramming this all into a small amount time?
This kind of planning is more important than you may realize, and that may be because of where you are in life. For something like this, though, you can never be too prepared.
We enjoyed reading this article, which is why we want to bring it to your attention. Take a look for yourself, and hopefully it give you some motivation: