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Consider any sibling rivalries


We often think of sibling rivalries as something that happens when our kids are growing up. They battle trying to be first to the finish line, get the top grades in school, etc.

But many times, arguments over who should get what item from a deceased family member can escalate and turn ugly.

Consider an article from The Wall Street Journal. Entitled “Sibling Rivalry Complicates Estate Planning,” the author goes on to detail how family’s differing views on sentimental items can cause rifts. For example: A $15 pocketwatch. Two sisters couldn’t agree on who should get it, and the will only stated “the daughters should decide.” This forced the executor to have the sisters bid on the watch – against each other!

Some careful thinking could help alleviate this problem. When undergoing estate planning – from will planning to charitable giving – think of your fondest memories. Make sure to reflect on what stories your loved ones often bring up. Is there a particular item attached to that memory that would be most appreciated by a particular person?

We understand the process isn’t easy. But that’s why we’re here: To help with the right questions so you don’t forget anything.

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