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Around the Web: Can’t Save for Retirement? Think Again!

Mass Media

“Start saving for retirement today!”

What feelings arise after reading that?

For some Americans, positive responses or emotions will follow. However, the rest of full-time American workers – not so much. CareerBuilder sent out a report recently that shows 78% still live paycheck to paycheck. So, the big question here is: How is one supposed to save if there’s no money to actually save?

Ways to Save For Retirement

With discipline and an eye-on-the-prize mentality, there are ways to save for those who live paycheck to paycheck:

  1. Trim Your Spending
  2. Change Your Spending Perspective
  3. Find a Side Gig
  4. Control Your Debt
  5. Use Your Employee Benefits
  6. Open Your Own Savings Vehicle

Follow the link to read the full article on how this can help you get on track with planning for your retirement!

Once you’ve got this in order, you can contact us to get your Estate Plan started!

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