If you have an estate plan or are in the process of creating one, it may be wise to ensure its language doesn’t unintentionally exclude an heir with disabilities. If you have a loved one with a disability, default probate laws may disqualify your disabled beneficiary from receiving full government benefits (Supplemental Security Income). Essentially, a direct inheritance would be considered an available resource and would reduce benefits and insurance amounts until these funds are fully used. This article offers insight on how to protect your disabled heir’s benefits.
Ensuring your funds are held in a Special Needs Trust (SNT) can help prevent any issues such as this from arising after your death. These trusts are just one of the various estate plan solutions for beneficiaries with disabilities. Other options include an ABLE account, a pooled trust, or purchasing exempt resources for your beneficiary.
If you would like to review your estate plan options and ensure all of your heirs will be well taken care of, contact Rhodes Law Firm today. Our team can discuss the various strategies available and make sure your estate plan will stand the test of time.