Do you have a plan in place should you become severely ill or incapacitated? It may be grim to think about, but it is vitally important to have a power of attorney in place to make decisions on your behalf. This article explains just how important it is to have someone selected to make your financial and health decisions. A power of attorney would pay your bills, handle your insurance claims, or even file your taxes.
Whether you are young, old, single or married, you should have a power of attorney in place. Without one, your loved ones will likely have to petition the court to step in on your behalf – a time-consuming and pricey process. This also opens up the possibility of loved ones fighting over who should be your guardian. You can save all of this unnecessary stress and frustration by appointing someone now.
An experienced and well-versed estate attorney can help you draft your power of attorney that meets your specific state’s requirements. Whenever you are ready to get a plan in place, contact Rhodes Law Firm. Our team of skilled attorneys are here for you.