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Around the Web: Are You Ready for Retirement?

Mass Media

In this article by Kiplinger, you will see that if you are retiring or getting ready to retire in the near future, it is critical to identify goals for your assets and get a plan together. It’s important to do this in a way that is tax efficient to help the success of your estate plan. This article lists some recommendations for optimizing your estate plan for retirement in a tax-efficient manner. 

First, plan for both core assets and excess capital. When reviewing your investments and income, your stable sources of income may be supplemented by taxable investment distributions. Your core capital should include enough to cover annual expenses as well as enough reserves to address unanticipated medical care or episodic expenses. 

Once your core capital is identified, it may be a good idea to separate your excess capital for wealth transfer, as it may not be managed effectively for tax or investments in the future. It may be wise to plan separately for IRA and tax-deferred assets to ensure tax efficiency. 

If you would like to learn more about planning for your retirement and making the most of your assets, contact Rhodes Law Firm today.

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